While most of the mammals remaining at Bukit Kiara are those that typically occupy plantations, parks and gardens, there are a few species that are of high conservation importance.

It is always a treat to spot the White-thighed Surili (Presbytis siamensis) of Bukit Kiara. They travel in groups through the treetops in search of young leaves, shoots and fruits. Like all other “leaf monkeys”, the surili are well adapted to life in the rainforest. Their multi-chambered stomachs are able to break down plant cellulose through bacterial fermentation, which allows them to eat leaves that most other mammals would find inedible.
The Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is sometimes seen near the water bodies of Bukit Kiara. This species has adapted well to the urban environs of Kuala Lumpur, where it can even be spotted along the Klang river.
Plantain Squirrels (Callosciurus notatus), which can be identified by the cream and black stripes down their sides, are a frequent sight here. Treeshrews (Tupaia spp.), which people often mistake for squirrels, are found here too. These slender animals (that are not actually related to shrews) have long tails, greyish to reddish-brown fur and a pointed snout. To add to the confusion, the Malay name tupai is used for both squirrels and treeshrews.
The Sunda Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) can sometimes be spotted at night, moving slowly (they can also move quickly when required) through the trees. Its diet consists mainly of tree gums and the alcoholic nectar of the Bertam (Eugeissona tristis) palm, as well as a selection of fruits and arthropods. The conservation status of the Sunda Slow Loris was upgraded to Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2020, in response to declining populations due to illegal poaching for the exotic pet trade.
The most threatened species present at Bukit Kiara, and one of the most threatened species in all of Malaysia for that matter, is the Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica), which is categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Sometimes called the “scaly anteater”, pangolins use their sharp claws to break into ant and termite nests, and their long, sticky tongues to draw them out. They roll into a ball when threatened, their tough scales serving as a deterrent to would-be predators. Ironically, these scales are not able to protect them from humans. Pangolins are poached from the wild mainly for their scales, which fetch a high price in illegal wildlife trade to feed demand from traditional medicine practitioners (although they have no scientifically proven medicinal value). Because of this, the pangolin is one of the most trafficked species in the world