Briefing on Desilting Ponds, Rivers and Restoring Structures
Earlier today, Jabatan Landskap Negara and Jabatan Pengairan dan Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia – JPS held a briefing and engagement session with some community NGOs about the closing of Taman Persekutuan Bukit Kiara that has been long slated for upgrading and desilting works.
The park was originally proposed to be closed this coming Monday, 10th of June. However JLN will postpone the closure of the park for another month after hearing overwhelmingly from those at the session. JLN has also agreed to organise a Town Hall session with the public for further input and we urge this to be held as soon as possible, ideally before Hari Raya Haji.
FoBK has requested that JLN adds information boards in Lembah Kiara throughout this duration. It will enable the sharing of information with the public about the works to be carried out and the timeline accordingly to park users who are most affected. Last but not least, we also highlighted the importance of ensuring the safety of all wildlife, fishes and tortoises while all works are being done.
We thank JLN and JPS for their engagement efforts thus far. We vigorously encourage JLN and JPS to continue building on and widening the engagement effort pertaining to these proposed works so as to ensure that the surrounding community and thousands of park users are afforded the opportunity to understand and provide feedback on the extent and timing of the works.
We look forward to such further engagement and will support the process accordingly.